Welcome to
Lido Medical Practice is a small medical practice with four GPs based in St Helier Jersey. Our Doctors offer a personalised approach to better understand your health needs. We are committed to ensuring you receive the highest quality of care without delay.
Proud to be the highest rated GP Practice on the island*
Same Day Appointments Available
Consultations with the Same Doctor
Book Appointments Online
Request Repeat Prescriptions Online
Free Parking Onsite
* With more than 15 Google Reviews
At Lido Medical Practice, we believe in giving back. That’s why we proudly donate 1% of our profits to charitable causes, supporting those in need and making a positive impact in our community.
Stay in Touch
Sign Up to PATIENT ACCESS to book appointments and order repeat prescriptions online via your mobile or computer, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

MONDAY to FRIDAY - 8am to 6pm
SATURDAY - 8am to 12 noon
SUNDAY - Closed
Out of Hours GPs Available at JDOC
Call 01534 445445